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The emergence of the groundbreaking form of astrology known as Multiverse Astrology has captured the attention of many people.

By inheriting the essence of Traditional Astrology, combined with continuous research and exploration of new knowledge under scientific standards, Multiverse Astrology can provide analysis, interpretation, and predictions with a significantly higher accuracy compared to other traditional mainstream astrology forms.

This is indeed an effective tool to help you make wise decisions and choices in life. However, Multiverse Astrology is not omnipotent in answering every question.

Therefore, to have the most realistic view and expectations of Multiverse Astrology, in today’s blog, let’s explore what Multiverse Astrology is and what it can advise you on.

If you don’t want to read, you can watch the video version here.

Part 0: What is Multiverse Astrology

The concept of multiple universes existing simultaneously has intrigued humans for decades. Similarly, Multiverse Astrology studies and explores the power of astrology in multiple spaces in different astrological universes.

It not only limits the understanding of life and destiny to a single astrology chart in one dimension but opens up various aspects, creating diversity and richness in understanding human beings and destiny.

Because of this, Multiverse Astrology is very different from the traditional 12 zodiac astrology. While traditional astrology uses only one astrology chart in the Geocentric dimension, Multiverse Astrology uses up to 6 astrology charts, corresponding to 6 dimensions in the Geocentric and Heliocentric Universes.

While mainstream astrology uses about 10 planets, Multiverse Astrology employs dozens of planets in the interpretation process. Each planet is a piece that reflects different aspects of life. The use of multiple planets increases the level of detail for analysis and predictions.

While mainstream astrology relies on mythology to borrow keywords from planets, Multiverse Astrology conducts research from a scientific perspective on hundreds, even thousands of cases to discover the true meanings of the planets. This ensures that the interpretations are entirely based on scientific foundations.

With a unique approach based on scientific principles, Multiverse Astrology can provide accurate analyses, interpretations, readings, and predictions. Below are the details of what Multiverse Astrology can help you with.

Part 1: Understanding Yourself

Multiverse Astrology is an excellent tool to help you discover and understand yourself accurately and specifically. It achieves this by exploring the meaning of the planetary combinations in your 6 Personal astrology charts across 6 dimensions in the Geocentric and Heliocentric Universes.

In each personal astrology chart, there are two types of energy. The first type is harmonious energy created by positive planetary combinations. This represents strengths, talents, and areas where you can easily succeed if you make an effort.

Conversely, everyone’s astrology chart contains imbalanced energy from negative planetary combinations. This indicates weaknesses and significant mistakes. If you do not recognize them to make changes, you will continue to face failure, difficulties, and pain.

In many cases, when difficulties repeat themselves, you may think that you were born with an unchangeable fate. But this is just a lesson for you. If you are willing to learn, everything will change.

Through analyzing the good and bad energies in your 6 personal charts, Multiverse Astrology can help you answer questions such as: What are your innate strengths? Which career path will bring you the most financial success? What are your fatal weaknesses? What is the lesson of your life?

Therefore, you will know where to focus on developing yourself, which career to pursue to earn the most money, as well as how to mitigate your weaknesses and the deadly psychological loops of yourself.

However, unlike Multiverse Astrology, esoteric disciplines tend to categorize people into groups and try to generalize common traits for each group.

For example, in the 12 zodiac astrology, we have people under Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, etc. In Chinese astrology, we have people under the Horse, Snake, etc. In Numerology, we have people with dominant numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.

But each person is an independent individual, and generalizing groups cannot be entirely accurate for you. Therefore, Multiverse Astrology always respects this uniqueness and approaches each person individually instead of making generalized assessments that may be right for one person but wrong for another.

Furthermore, another outstanding feature of Multiverse Astrology is its ability to operate accurately even if you do not remember your exact time of birth. Multiverse Astrology always uses birth time data if available, but it can operate accurately if you only remember your date of birth.

Part 2: Life Trend Forecast

Next, Multiverse Astrology can predict the trends of your life, including potential opportunities and hidden challenges in various aspects of life, including love, career, physical health, and even mental well-being, through the analysis of the Progression Chart across 6 dimensions in space.

Astrology can help you predict the phases in life where you will encounter opportunities or challenges. However, these predictions are not fixed destinies.

For instance, during prosperous phases, you might feel like you’re driving on a smooth and open road. This is when you can accelerate and move forward without fearing risks.

But whether you choose to accelerate or not entirely depends on you. In other words, you can still move steadily, slowly on the straight path if you prefer. In other words, during prosperous phases, with effort, you will reap deserving rewards.

Conversely, challenging phases are akin to driving on a rough and dangerous road with hidden risks. Therefore, if you rush and drive too fast, you might easily encounter accidents.

However, if you recognize that the road ahead is not smooth, you can move slowly and ensure safety. Then, you will minimize, even avoid, the arising troubles.

Understanding what lies ahead will help you proactively plan for the upcoming phase, thereby maximizing opportunities for personal development and minimizing potential risks. And at the same time, your life will become more peaceful amidst the fluctuations in life.

Part 3: Reading Others

Similar to analyzing personal astrology charts, with just the date of birth, Multiverse Astrology can help you accurately read the true nature of any individual. Specifically, you will understand how good or bad the person is, what their strengths and weaknesses are.

This will help you anticipate the tendencies and psychology of the other person before you decide to get involved with them, whether in love or in business collaboration.

And this can prevent you from wasting time, effort, money, and resources on people who are not genuinely safe for a long-term bond. Imagine how devastated you would be when betrayed, stabbed by those you trusted. Multiverse Astrology will help you prevent that from happening.

Part 4: Understanding Relationships

In addition to understanding the nature of an individual, how two people interact with each other also plays a crucial role in determining whether a relationship will succeed or fail. For example, a person, although good, may not necessarily be compatible with you for a long-term bond if you and that person have too many different life perspectives.

And Multiverse Astrology will help you with this through analyzing the Couple’s astrology chart across 6 dimensions in the Geocentric and Heliocentric Universes. Through analyzing Harmonious and Conflict connections, Multiverse Astrology can help answer the following questions:

  • Is the affection between two people truly profound? Or is it just a momentary infatuation?
  • How is the compatibility of the sexual relationship between the two? Will it last long or only in a moment?
  • Are the two comfortable when together? How is the mutual understanding in dialogue?
  • What are the likely conflicts to arise? How can they be resolved?
  • Is the relationship equal? If not, who is the active one, and who is the passive one?
  • Who is more vulnerable? And is it threatening enough to the long-term relationship?
  • Is the business collaboration compatible? Will any troubles arise during the collaboration process?

Understanding the essence of the other person and the interaction between two people in a relationship will make it easier for you to know who is truly suitable for love, moving towards marriage or trusting for long-term business collaboration. And this will protect you from stress and troubles when choosing the wrong person.

Part 5: Choosing Suitable Locations

Similarly, Multiverse Astrology can help you choose the ideal workplace for you. To do this, Multiverse Astrology will analyze the combined astrology chart between you and the founding date of the business or organization you are currently or will be working for. From there, the following questions will be answered:

  • How is your potential for promotion and development working there?
  • Are you suitable for the culture and work environment there?
  • Will there be many or few problems arising during the work process?

Similarly, Multiverse Astrology can help you choose the most suitable place to settle, bringing you more peace, stability, and happiness. From there, you will avoid troubles and drama that may arise when in places that are not truly suitable for you.

Part 6: Choosing Companies for Investment

If you are an investor, Multiverse Astrology can help you identify which companies are on the path of development for investment. To do this, Multiverse Astrology will analyze the Financial Progression Chart of the companies you are targeting.

However, to accomplish this, you will need to find the Company’s Founding Date. Specifically, this is the date the official Business License was issued and became effective. In the case where the business has been restructured to create a new entity, you will need to find data about this milestone.

Therefore, when you have accurate data, Multiverse Astrology will guide you on where to invest for profit and where to avoid investing to prevent financial loss. As a result, you will be more financially secure and sleep better each night as the obsession with money is cleared.

Part 7: Choosing the Golden Moments

Finally, but no less important, Multiverse Astrology can help you choose the Golden Moments to carry out important tasks in Career, Relationships, Health, and Beauty, in order to increase luck, favorability, and minimize potential risks.

Specifically, below are what Multiverse Astrology can support you with:

  • For Career: What are the favorable times for job applications, interviews, contract signings, meeting clients, salary negotiations, starting important projects, starting a business, establishing a company, product launches, public appearances, etc.?
  • For Relationships: What are the favorable times for seeking soulmates, dating, introducing your partner, engagement and marriage, childbirth, etc.?
  • For Health: What are the favorable times for conducting treatments, healing, surgeries, to increase treatment effectiveness, speed up the recovery process, and prevent disease relapse?
  • For Beauty: When is the favorable time to undergo cosmetic procedures, surgeries, etc. to enhance beauty, expedite the recovery process, and minimize the occurrence of risks?

The above are common events that require auspicious dates. If you have any questions about other events, please comment or inbox me to see if Multiverse Astrology can answer you or not.

Part 8: Online vs. Offline

Although Multiverse Astrology can advise you on all of the above, the time required to complete and respond will depend on the complexity of the task.

Therefore, if you want to use the Multiverse Astrology Consulting Service, you need to know what can be quickly answered during the Online Consultation session, and what is complex and requires more time to be completed for results to be sent.

In general, all of the above can be answered when you schedule an Online Multiverse Astrology Consultation. However, here are the things that cannot be done online. In other words, you have to schedule a separate Offline specialized service. And the results will only be sent after a few days to a few weeks.

  • Choosing the Wedding Date: Finding an auspicious wedding date is very rare because it has to be compatible with family members and support the longevity, harmony, and financial stability of the household.
  • Choosing the Business Start Date: Finding a good date to start a business is also very rare because it has to ensure compatibility with the founders and be suitable for the business industry.
  • Choosing the Childbirth Date: Finding an auspicious date to give birth is also very rare because it has to bring inner peace, kindness, filial piety, and outstanding talents to the child.
  • Choosing the Beauty Surgery Date: Finding an auspicious date for beauty enhancement is very rare because it has to help increase the speed of health recovery and aesthetic effectiveness after surgery.
  • Choosing the Health Related Date: Finding an auspicious date for healing is rare because it has to enhance the treatment effectiveness, accelerate the recovery process, and prevent the disease from returning.

Choosing dates involving too many parties: When there are three or more parties involved, selecting an auspicious date becomes very complex and cannot be done during an Online Consultation session.

These 5 tasks are very complex, requiring a lot of time for meticulous analysis to balance the good and bad energies across 6 dimensions in space in the 2 Astrological Universes to produce the final result. And the necessary time will take from a few days to a month to complete.

Therefore, please avoid these questions when registering for the Online Multiverse Astrology Consultation Service.

In Conclusion,

Multiverse Astrology marks a significant advancement in the field of astrology. And it can help you provide accurate advice on issues including Self-development, Career, Finances, Relationships, Health, and Beauty.

However, depending on the complexity of the task, not every issue can be answered succinctly during a 2-hour Multiverse Astrology Consultation session. Therefore, you should be aware of this to choose the Multiverse Astrology Consulting Service that is suitable for your needs.

If you want to learn about Multiverse Astrology, please follow this Duy Magi website. I will continue to create blogs teaching people this magical astrology system. But if you don’t want to wait and want to learn directly with me, please sign up for my Astrology Class at the link below.

If you feel impatient to learn, you can also sign up to use my Multiverse Astrology Consulting Service at the link in the description.

Thank you very much, see you in the next blogs.

Hourly Astrology Consulting Service

Auspicious Date Selection Service

Learn Multiverse Astrology

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