A Genuine Astrologer respects your choices

In essence, the role of an astrologer is to analyze and provide evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of an individual, a relationship, or a particular choice that you may be contemplating. They do this objectively through the interpretation of corresponding astrological charts.

However, the ultimate decision-maker and the one entirely responsible for the choices is you. A true astrologer only offers predictions and sometimes warnings, leaving the decision to you. There is no fate or destiny that forces you to follow their advice.

For example, if you seek advice from an astrologer regarding the life trends in the upcoming period, and they see many favorable trends, it doesn’t guarantee success unless you seize and make the most of the opportunities. It’s like walking on a straight, flat road – you can accelerate to reach your destination faster, but you also have the choice to stroll at a leisurely pace.

On the other hand, if the astrologer foresees negative trends and challenges ahead, it doesn’t mean that a definite catastrophe is about to strike your life. It’s similar to navigating a winding, unpredictable road with potential risks. If you proceed with caution and careful observation, you can avoid accidents.

As a result, if an astrologer pressures you into doing something, that’s a sign they might not be genuine.


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Astrology Check: 7 Keys to Verify a Legit Astrologer during Session

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