Astrology: Science or Pseudoscience?

Astrology originated as a scientific field. Many great scientists in human history studied it, like Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Benjamin Franklin. They approached astrology scientifically.

However, after the golden age of astrology, subsequent generations stopped studying it scientifically. Instead, they used very unscientific approaches.

For instance, they resorted to mythology to borrow the meaning of planets. Many believe that asteroid Chiron represents a wounded healer just because the mythological character Chiron couldn’t heal his own wound.

So, today, astrology is no longer considered a mainstream scientific field. Some even view it as pseudoscience.


When Astrology Truly Becomes a Scientific Discipline

When astrology is studied and practiced from a scientific perspective, it becomes much more intricate and sophisticated than casual horoscope predictions. Here are two astrology charts as examples.

The first chart is a basic one using only 10 fundamental planets, and it looks quite simple, doesn’t it?


However, the second chart is the same astrology chart but includes additional important planets, making it much more complex. But then, it may not be as user-friendly for the general public.

Therefore, if you truly want to delve into astrology or seek advice from it, be cautious before putting your trust in the chaotic and often confusing market of astrology, where genuine and misleading information can easily get mixed up.


This is a part of the article:

Mercury Retrograde – The Biggest Lie in the History of Astrology

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