Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi – an Multiverse Astrology Practitioner. “How to Interpret the Meaning of a Grand Cross Pattern in Astrology.”

And here’s the question we’ll find the answer to today.

But before we dive into explaining it, we need to understand what a Grand Cross Pattern really is.

So, let’s review some basic astrology knowledge together.

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What is a Grand Cross Pattern in Astrology?

A Grand Cross Geometry is made up of 4 Square aspects of 90 degrees and 2 Opposition aspects of 180 degrees.

And in astrology, Square and Opposition aspects are always considered challenging.

But not only that, the Grand Cross Geometry is highly symmetrical.

And the more symmetrical it is, the stronger it becomes.

Therefore, the Grand Cross Geometry is considered extremely negative.


How to Interpret a Grand Cross Pattern in Astrology?

To decode its meaning, we combine the keywords of the planets at the 4 apexes of the Geometry in a negative direction.

For example, in the Geocentric Longitude Zodiac 12 dimension, the famous Indian actor Kabir Bedi was born with a very negative Grand Cross composed of:

Grand Cross: Chiron + Venus = Vesta + Saturn = Mars + Sedna


  • Chiron represents True Love, Marriage and Family.
  • Venus represents the ability to express love and affection.
  • Vesta relates to the ability to work respectfully with others.
  • Mars represents being assertive.
  • Saturn brings lack of clarity, prone to mistakes, but always wanting to do things their own way.
  • Sedna represents stubbornness, unwillingness to compromise.

Therefore, the combination above shows us that:

Kabir Bedi lacks clarity (Saturn) in matters of love (Chiron).

Specifically, he’s not good (Saturn) at expressing his affection towards others (Venus) and also lacks respect when interacting with others (Vesta).

At the same time, he can be assertive (Mars) in doing things his own way (Saturn) and very stubborn (Sedna), not caring about others (Chiron).

All of these led to consecutive failures in his marriages.

And in reality, Kabir Bedi has been through 4 marriages.

So, when you understand the nature and rules, decoding the Grand Cross Geometry becomes incredibly simple, right?


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Now, goodbye.

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