Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi. Today, I’d like to respond to an interesting question I recently received related to Love & Chiron.

And here’s the question from someone born on September 13, 1990.

“Will I ever get married? Still no luck in dating and I’m already 34. I am starting to get worried as I wanted to settle down.”

But I’ll be using Multiverse Astrology instead of the traditional 12 Zodiac Astrology to answer this question.

So, be prepared for some fresh perspectives.

If you don’t want to read, please watch the video version below:


Chiron & Astrology of Bad Luck in Love

Firstly, I want to say that in 90% of cases where people face challenges in romantic relationships, it’s because they were born with Chiron in their birth chart encountering a lot of negative energies.

And this has been confirmed through over 10 years of my astrology studies, research, practice, and consultations.

However, the reason behind this isn’t that Chiron represents an unhealable wound as people commonly think. The truth is, Chiron represents marriage, family, and relationships with long-term commitment.

So, someone born with Chiron in challenging planetary configurations will have many lessons in the realm of relationships.

And if these individuals are not aware of these lessons and act purely on instinct in love, there’s a high chance they’ll choose the wrong person or behave inappropriately, leading to unsuccessful relationships.

But if they consciously work on changing themselves and learning from their lessons, everything can change. Therefore, the key to solving the issue is personal development.


Detailed Analysis Answer

Specifically, for the person who asked the question, born on September 13, 1990, you were born with a challenging Chiron combination.

In the Geocentric Longitude Zodiac 12, you were born with a challenging T-square combination containing Chiron, Saturn/Jupiter midpoint, and Lilith:

Chiron + Saturn/Jupiter midpoint + Lilith

This combination brings a lot of confusion, conflict (Saturn/Jupiter midpoint), pessimism, negativity (Lilith), and even a sense of loneliness and deadlock in romantic relationships (Chiron).

The presence of Saturn/Jupiter midpoint here may attract you to the wrong person, even causing imbalance, confusion and impulsiveness in romantic affairs.

However, the difficulty Saturn/Jupiter midpoint brings is that only after starting a relationship for a while, you may feel something is off and conflicting with this choice.

Therefore, the first advice for you is to slow down, not rush or get carried away in love.

Moreover, when feeling negative or lonely in a relationship, instead of feeling stuck and wanting to run away or end it, you should learn a bit of psychology to understand how to solve the issue and how to react.

In the Heliocentric Longitude Zodiac 12, you continue to be born with a challenging T-square combination containing Chiron:

Chiron + Saturn + Sappho = Mars

This combination shows that you have excessive worries in general (Sappho) and particularly in romantic relationships (Chiron). The more you worry, the more you want to control everything (Saturn). But the more you try to control, the more things tend to slip out of your control (Saturn).

Moreover, the desire to do things your way (Saturn) may unintentionally neglect putting yourself in the other person’s shoes for appropriate actions, or you may miss non-verbal signals when interacting with others.

Finally, the presence of Mars indicates that you may struggle to be proactive and express your true self appropriately in romantic relationships, even potentially hurting the other person (Chiron).

Therefore, the next advice for you is to learn how to deal with your excessive worries. Most likely, these worries are not based on solid foundations.

Additionally, don’t immediately tighten control over everything when you’re in a state of worry. High chances are that doing so will worsen the situation instead of solving the problem.

Furthermore, avoid imposing or insisting on doing things your way when entering a romantic relationship. This may unintentionally harm the other person. Don’t become too cold, indifferent, or dismissive. Be open to share with the other person

Lastly, you should also learn a bit more about psychology to understand how to behave in romantic relationships.

People with insecure attachment like you should choose someone with secure attachment to love. However, you might not feel a strong attraction to these individuals at first. You can Google more about this issue or wait for my upcoming video on the topic.

Note: This birth chart above is drawn by the Free Online Astrology Birth Chart Drawing Tool at: https://en.astropro.vn/


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Now, goodbye.

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