Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi. Today, I continue the Astrology Q&A series with one question each day. And here’s a question related to Pallas from someone born on October 28, 1995.

“Why are my thoughts as deep as the Mariana Trench and feel like I’m living in an alternate reality?”

But I’ll apply Multiverse Astrology instead of the traditional 12 Zodiac Astrology to answer this question. So, get ready for some fresh perspectives.

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Pallas & Astrology Sign of a Deep Thinker

The key to determining if someone thinks deeply or not is Pallas. And this asteroid represents the ability to analyze deeply, think deeply, and go into details. But everyone has Pallas in their birth chart. Not everyone spends a lot of time thinking or analyzing.

So, only when Pallas is in very strong Planetary geometries does its energy get amplified, making someone spend more time immersed in their own thoughts.


Detailed Analysis

Specifically, the person asking the above question born on October 28, 1995 was born with a geometry containing a very strong Pallas in the Geocentric Longitude Zodiac 12, including:

Sun + Pallas = Vesta + Juno + Saturn/Jupiter midpoint + Varuna

But to decode this geometry, we need to understand the meaning of each planet involved:

  • Sun represents the self
  • Pallas represents the ability to analyze deeply, think deeply, and go into details
  • Juno represents a disconnect from reality, getting lost in one’s own world, even to the point of self-delusions
  • Varuna brings extremes, excessive to the point of overload, amplifying the energy of the geometry
  • Saturn/Jupiter midpoint brings imbalance, a sense of confusion, and contradiction
  • Vesta represents teamwork and social relationships with friends, colleagues

So, combining these, the geometry shows:

You are someone (Sun) prone to getting lost in deep thoughts and analysis (Pallas), extremely deep, even to the point of excessive Ed’s (Varuna), leading to imbalance (Saturn/Jupiter midpoint) and a disconnect from reality, feeling like living in a different world (Juno).

However, the presence of Juno can sometimes make your thoughts and analysis not always grounded in reality, even somewhat self-delusional.

Additionally, the conjunction of Vesta with Pallas, especially in a T-square with Juno and Varuna, may indicate challenges in teamwork and deep interaction with both friends and colleagues.

So, be cautious not to let your deep and extreme thoughts and analysis affect teamwork. Before trusting any interpretation or analysis of your own, check if they are based on reality.

This geometry might also make you somewhat hesitant in new environments, crowded places. You may not be someone who wants to draw attention or actively connect with strangers, preferring to analyze and judge more.

Note: This birth chart above is drawn by the Free Online Astrology Birth Chart Drawing Tool at: https://en.astropro.vn/ 


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