Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi – an Astrology Practitioner. Today, I’d like to respond to an interesting question, which is

“How are the Geocentric Chart and the Heliocentric Chart different in Multiverse Astrology?”

But before I answer, I want to emphasize that they play equally important roles.

So, you shouldn’t overlook the astrology charts in the Heliocentric Universe.

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Yin & Yang of Astrology: Geocentric & Heliocentric Chart Dynamics

As of now, research shows that there are at least 6 dimensions, corresponding to 6 very important astrological charts.

And we have 3 charts in the Geocentric Universe and 3 charts in the Heliocentric Universe.

Specifically, the 3 Geocentric charts reflect how a person evaluates and connects with himself, herself or themselves.

On the other hand, the Heliocentric 3 charts focus on how the person presents himself, herself or themselves outwardly.

So, the Geocentric chart and the Heliocentric chart are like two sides of a coin.

Both sides speak about the nature of the coin. But depending on the angle, you’ll see only one side.

So, to fully understand a person, you have to analyze all 6 astrology charts in both Geocentric and Heliocentric Universe.


Exploring Life’s Complexities with Geocentric and Heliocentric Astrology

This is a great breakthrough in astrology. And by applying it, you can explain many things in life.

For example, someone with 3 dark Geocentric charts but 3 sparkling Heliocentric charts might be internally torn and negative but appear very positive on the outside.

On the contrary, someone with 3 peaceful Geocentric charts but 3 dark Heliocentric charts might be thought of as gloomy and psychologically troubled by family and friends, but internally, they’re quite stable.

So, don’t forget any dimension.


Free Learning Astrology Group

Follow my channel and join the Multiverse Astrology Facebook Group if you want to understand the language of the universe.

If you have questions, feel free to comment. I’ll respond when I have time. If you want to schedule an astrology consultation, click the link below.

If you want to get your 6 birth charts for free, please visit Free Online Birth Chart Drawing Tool at: https://en.astropro.vn/

Now, goodbye.

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