Astrology of Bad Luck in Love

Firstly, I want to say that in 90% of cases where people face challenges in romantic relationships, it’s because they were born with Chiron in their birth chart encountering a lot of negative energies.

And this has been confirmed through over 10 years of my astrology studies, research, practice, and consultations.

However, the reason behind this isn’t that Chiron represents an unhealable wound as people commonly think. The truth is, Chiron represents marriage, family, and relationships with long-term commitment.

So, someone born with Chiron in challenging planetary configurations will have many lessons in the realm of relationships.

And if these individuals are not aware of these lessons and act purely on instinct in love, there’s a high chance they’ll choose the wrong person or behave inappropriately, leading to unsuccessful relationships.

But if they consciously work on changing themselves and learning from their lessons, everything can change. Therefore, the key to solving the issue is personal development.

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Now, goodbye.

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