Powerful Companies Founded During Retrograde

Do you know that many of the world’s most powerful companies were founded during Mercury Retrograde?

Specifically, let’s examine the top 30 largest publicly traded companies with the most shareholders in the U.S. These companies collectively make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a crucial stock market index.

Although the list may change over time, there are consistently around 8 to 10 companies in the top 30 Dow Jones that were founded during this sensitive period.

In the current top 30 U.S. companies, 8 were founded during Mercury Retrograde season..

  1. Johnson & Johnson: founded on November 10th 1887
  2. Procter & Gamble: founded on May 5th 1905
  3. Apple: founded on January 3rd 1977
  4. Cisco Systems: founded on December 10th 1984
  5. Boeing: founded on July 19th 1934
  6. Mc Donalds: founded on December 21st 1964
  7. Microsoft: founded on June 25th 1981
  8. Caterpillar: founded on May 22nd 1936

As a result, 8 / 30 x 100% = 32%—or approximately to 1/3—of the strongest companies in the United States were founded during Retrograde Mercury.

Each period of Retrograde Mercury typically lasts for about 3 weeks, occurring 3 to 4 times a year.

For simplicity, let’s take the average as 3.5 times per year. This means we have approximately 3.5 x 21 = 73.5 days of Retrograde Mercury each year.

Consequently, the average annual Retrograde Mercury rate is approximately 20.14% (73.5 / 365 x 100%).

Now, let’s do some simple math.

The average annual Mercury Retrograde occurrence is approximately 20.14%, but the rate of successful companies founded during Mercury Retrograde is 32%, higher than the Mercury Retrograde rate.

As a result, it seems that companies founded during Mercury Retrograde have a higher likelihood of success than failure, contrary to the rumors.

In other words, does Mercury Retrograde really bring about disasters, as suggested, when almost one-third of the most powerful U.S. companies were founded during this sensitive period?

This is a part of the article:

Mercury Retrograde – The Biggest Lie in the History of Astrology

To read the entire article, please click on the image below.


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