A Genuine Astrologer Uses a Variety of Celestial Bodies

In the world of astrology, the general trend is to stick with around 10 planets. This tradition has held its ground for centuries. However, this practice limits the precision and details in analysis. Why? Because these 10 planets can’t cover the vast array of events and phenomena in our lives.

That’s why astrology needs to keep evolving, constantly researching and updating with new celestial bodies to refine its system. Genuine astrologers understand the importance of this.

Let’s look at 2 natal charts. The first one is the typical chart using only the basic 10 planets. Looks simple, right? Now, the second chart is the same but with the addition of other important celestial bodies, making it much more complex. But here’s the thing – this complexity reflects the true intricacies of human nature.

So, put your trust in astrologers who use not just the standard planets but also include dwarf planets, asteroids, midpoints, and more. Avoid those who stick to the basic 10 planets. But, there’s a subtle trap when dealing with new celestial bodies, and that leads us to the next sign.


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