Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi – an Multiverse Astrology Practitioner. Today, let’s talk about Love Astrology.

The news about Mai Ngọc, one of the most famous TV hosts in Vietnam, announcing her divorce from her partner of 17 years has shocked everyone.

Many people have been texting me, asking what astrological signs in Mai Ngọc’s birth chart indicate relationship troubles.

At the same time, people are curious about what to do if they’re unlucky enough to be born with those signs.

So today, I’ll answer these questions with a focus on love astrology.

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Chiron: The most crucial astro body in Love Astrology

The key to determining someone’s relationship troubles lies in Chiron.

Clinical research by Multiverse Astrology shows that Chiron is the tiny planet governing love, marriage, and family.

In other words, people born with a challenging Chiron energy combination can easily become unlucky in love. This is a crucial aspect of love astrology that everyone should be aware of.

Most astrology communities believe that Chiron represents a wounded healer, stemming from the mythological character Chiron, who couldn’t heal his own wound.

However, this approach is very unscientific.

For astrology to truly be a scientific discipline, we must approach it scientifically, based on experimental research and statistics.

Love astrology can be more reliable if grounded in scientific principles.


Love Astrology in Action

Now, let’s analyze Mai Ngọc’s birth chart. She was born with a very challenging Grand Cross Geometry in the Geocentric Longitude Zodiac 12 Dimension, consisting of:

Grand Cross: Chiron + Venus = Saturn + Ceres = Eros + Saturn/Chiron midpoint.

A Grand Cross combination is always considered very problematic in any form of astrology, particularly in love astrology.


  • Chiron represents True Love, Marriage & Family.
  • Venus represents who we’re attracted to.
  • Saturn represents lack of control and mistakes.
  • Ceres represents efforts prioritizing something we care about. Eros brings impulsiveness.
  • Saturn/Chiron midpoint represents heartbreak.

The above combination shows us that Mai Ngọc is not sensible (Saturn) in love (Venus + Chiron), often swinging between being too hasty or too slow in the relationship’s development (Saturn + Eros).

At the same time, those she’s attracted to (Venus) and who she wants to nurture efforts for (Ceres) are often not suitable for long-term bonding or marriage (Chiron).

This often leads to failures in marriage and family (Saturn/Chiron midpoint) when acting on instinct.

This is a vital insight from love astrology that can help people understand their romantic challenges.


Based on the analysis above, I have some advice for Mai Ngọc or anyone born with the same challenging Chiron Geometry.

She should learn about psychology, which will help in two ways:

First, she’ll know who’s truly compatible with her because if she follows her instincts, she’s very likely to choose the wrong person, as those she likes are often unsuitable.

Second, she’ll know the right pace to develop a romantic relationship, avoiding the trap of being too fast or too slow when acting on instinct.

This advice is rooted in love astrology and can help navigate romantic relationships more effectively.

As an aside, I will soon be launching a video series about Psychology in Love. I hope everyone will tune in to gain deeper insights into love astrology and how it can improve your love life.


Free Learning Astrology Group

Follow my channel and join the Multiverse Astrology Facebook Group if you want to understand the language of the universe.

If you have questions, feel free to comment. I’ll respond when I have time. If you want to schedule an astrology consultation, click the link below.

If you want to get your 6 birth charts for free, please visit Free Online Birth Chart Drawing Tool at: https://en.astropro.vn/

Now, goodbye.

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