Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi – an Multiverse Astrology Practitioner. Today, let’s talk about Love Astrology.

Taylor Swift is one of the most successful stars today.

However, her love life seems to face constant challenges.

Despite numerous relationships, none seem to last long.

So, what does Taylor Swift’s astrological chart signify about her love life?

And what can she do to overcome this? Today, I will answer these questions through the lens of love astrology.

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Chiron: The most crucial astro body in Love Astrology

The key to determining someone’s relationship troubles lies in Chiron.

Clinical research by Multiverse Astrology shows that Chiron is the tiny planet governing love, marriage, and family.

In other words, people born with a challenging Chiron energy combination can easily become unlucky in love. This is a crucial aspect of love astrology that everyone should be aware of.

Most astrology communities believe that Chiron represents a wounded healer, stemming from the mythological character Chiron, who couldn’t heal his own wound.

However, this approach is very unscientific.

For astrology to truly be a scientific discipline, we must approach it scientifically, based on experimental research and statistics.

Love astrology can be more reliable if grounded in scientific principles.


Love Astrology in Action

Now, let’s analyze Taylor Swift’s astrological chart using Multiverse Astrology.

She was born with a highly unfavorable T-square configuration in her Heliocentric Longitude Zodiac 12, consisting of:

T-square: Chiron + Neptune + Saturn/Jupiter midpoint.


  • Chiron represents True Love, Marriage & Family, as mentioned earlier.
  • Neptune represents peace and a sense of security.
  • The Saturn/Jupiter midpoint symbolizes confusion, mistakes, and imbalance.

Therefore, the combination above shows us that:

Taylor Swift finds it hard to find peace and security (Neptune) while feeling extremely confused (Saturn/Jupiter midpoint) when entering long-term relationships leading to marriage (Chiron).

This makes her prone to mistakes (Saturn/Jupiter midpoint) and choosing the wrong partners in romantic affairs (Chiron) when acting on instinct.


Based on this analysis, I advise Taylor Swift to take the time to understand Love Psychology.

Then, she will know who to choose to truly bring her a sense of security.

At the same time, she will understand what she needs to do accurately to nurture long-lasting relationships instead of following instincts that lead to failure.

On a side note, in the upcoming time, I will launch a video series on Psychology in Love. Hopefully, everyone will tune in.


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Follow my channel and join the Multiverse Astrology Facebook Group if you want to understand the language of the universe.

If you have questions, feel free to comment. I’ll respond when I have time. If you want to schedule an astrology consultation, click the link below.

If you want to get your 6 birth charts for free, please visit Free Online Birth Chart Drawing Tool at: https://en.astropro.vn/

Now, goodbye.

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