Welcome back to the website of Duy Magi. 

By inheriting the essence of Traditional Astrology combined with continuous research and exploration of new knowledge under scientific standards, Multiverse Astrology can provide analysis, interpretation, and predictions with superior accuracy compared to other traditional mainstream astrology forms. 

This has motivated many people to subscribe to the Multiverse Astrology Online Consultation Service. However, many people may not imagine what the consultation session will be like. Therefore, today, let’s find out what is waiting for you in the consultation session.

If you don’t want read, you can watch the video version here.

Point 0: Before the Consultation

Before the consultation, you need to send a list of questions arranged in order of importance, along with relevant data, to the astrologer Duy Magi. The purpose is for Duy Magi to process the data to avoid wasting useless time during the consultation.

But Duy Magi will not prepare ready-made answers for the questions. All the analysis and interpretations will take place during the scheduled consultation time. So don’t be surprised if Duy Magi pauses to take some time to think before providing an answer during the consultation.

Point 1: Starting the Consultation

Depending on whether you are a new customer or a returning one, the consultation will start slightly differently.

If you are a new customer, Duy Magi usually spends some time getting acquainted by briefly studying your star chart to understand an overview of your personality. This is because when understanding you, Duy Magi can provide suitable answers and advice for your further questions.

However, this will only happen the first time. From the second consultation onwards, Duy Magi already understands you and won’t repeat this process. Therefore, for familiar customers who have consulted before, Duy Magi will directly answer the questions based on the list received before the consultation.

Point 2: Addressing Queries

Duy Magi will answer the questions you sent in the sequence, from the most important to the least important. However, if for some reason you want to change the order of answering the questions, you can propose it, and Duy Magi will accommodate your request.

As mentioned earlier, all the thinking, analysis leading to interpretations and consultations will happen throughout the consultation session. Some complex questions may take time, and in that case, you will have to wait for Duy Magi to finish before providing you with an answer.

But the waiting time will depend on the complexity of your question. Duy Magi will provide an estimated time needed. For extremely complex questions requiring deep thought, Duy Magi will pause the call and call back after completing the analysis to report the result.

This is similar to when you go to a hospital for a check-up. To diagnose an illness, doctors will ask you to undergo tests. However, test results cannot be obtained immediately, and you have to wait for the analysis department to work. So, until there are results, you have to be patient for a while.

The time you have to wait for Duy Magi to do this will still be counted in the total duration of the consultation. It is understandable because Duy Magi is hired to consult within the time frame you choose.

Point 3: You Will Be the Listener

Since all the questions and relevant data have been sent beforehand, during the consultation, Duy Magi will be the main speaker, and you will primarily play the role of the listener. However, if you have any doubts or requests, you can certainly speak up. Duy Magi will listen to what you have to say.

Therefore, you can expect that the consultation will take place in an open and sincere atmosphere between you and Duy Magi. And Duy Magi will always provide the most truthful and straightforward answers, even if it might be something you don’t want to hear. Bending the truth just to please you will never happen.

Point 4: Refusal to Answer

Duy Magi will not stall and will try to answer as many of your questions as possible. However, there will be some questions that are too complex, taking hours, even days, or weeks to answer. If you ask such questions, Duy Magi has the right to refuse to answer, and you will have to book a separate service for those requests.

And here is a list of questions that cannot be answered in the Multiverse Astrology Online Call Consultation:

– Choosing a Wedding Date

– Choosing a Business Start Date

– Choosing a Childbirth Date

– Choosing a Plastic Surgery Date

– Choosing a Treatment Date

These five tasks are complex, requiring a lot of time for careful analysis, ranging from a few days to even a month, to analyze the good and bad energies in the 6 dimensions of the Space in the 2 Astrological Universes before providing the final results. Therefore, if you wish, you will have to book a Special Offline Service for each task.

Point 5: Consultation Time

Duy Magi will answer the questions you have during the scheduled consultation. However, if there is time left after answering all the queries, you have two options. You can either continue to ask other questions, or you can reserve the time for future use if there are any further questions.

If the time is up and Duy Magi hasn’t been able to answer all the questions, you will have to schedule another consultation session to continue answering the remaining questions. However, if a little more time is needed to answer the questions, Duy Magi is willing to give you a few extra minutes of consultation.

Point 6: Unforeseen Interruptions

Uncontrollable disruptions may occur during the consultation session, even with the best possible preparation beforehand, although the probability is low. But when it happens, there is no way but to accept it. Therefore, Duy Magi completely understands this.

The most common case is suddenly losing or having weak internet connectivity in the middle of the consultation. Others include receiving an extremely important phone call or a delivery person calling you to receive an order.

In such situations, regardless of the source of the problem, Duy Magi will immediately pause the recording and patiently try to reconnect with you. Usually, these issues can be resolved quickly within a maximum of a few minutes.

However, if the processing time takes too long, Duy Magi may have to shorten the consultation time if there is another scheduled consultation right after yours. In that case, Duy Magi will reserve the remaining time for you.

At that point, you have two options. You can either save that time for later, and Duy Magi will add it to the next consultation session. For example, if you booked a 1-hour consultation, but due to a network disconnection, only 50 minutes of consultation took place, Duy Magi will reserve the remaining 10 minutes for you. And in the next consultation, you will have 70 minutes of consultation.

Or you can use those 10 minutes of consultation immediately. However, Duy Magi will record the answer and send it to you after the consultation. Usually, you will receive the answer along with the recording on the same day.

Point 7: Consultation Recording File

If you need a recording file, Duy Magi will record the consultation session and send it to you after the session without any additional charges. Usually, you will receive the recording file on the same day.

However, Duy Magi will not keep the recording file in the system for long and usually deletes it within 3 days. So, please download and save the recording file immediately so that if any errors occur, Duy Magi can send you another file. After 3 days, Duy Magi reserves the right to refuse any requests for a replay if the file has been accidentally deleted.

Additionally, in some cases, if Duy Magi feels that the client needs to learn more about Psychology to develop themselves, Duy Magi will send you additional materials on Psychology along with the recording file. Duy Magi will not charge any additional fees for this.

In conclusion,

Multiverse Astrology marks a significant advancement in the field of astrology. And the Multiverse Astrology Online Call Consultation Service can help you answer many questions about yourself as well as your relationships with those around you.

Hopefully, after watching this blog, you have the most accurate idea of how a consultation session will take place. If, after watching this blog, you want to schedule an Online Consultation with Duy Magi, click the link below the description.

If you want to learn more about Multiverse Astrology, please follow this website of Duy Magi. I will continue to create blogs teaching people about this amazing astrology system. If you do not want to wait and want to learn directly with me, please enroll in my Astrology class through the link below.

Thank you very much, and see you in the next blogs.

Hourly Astrology Consulting Service

Auspicious Date Selection Service

Learn Multiverse Astrology

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