Duy Magi – Messenger from the Universe

‘Millionaires don’t use Astrology, billionaires do.’ — J.P. Morgan

Duy Magi – Messenger from the Universe

‘Millionaires don’t use Astrology, Billionaires do.’ – J.P. Morgan Tycoon

Duy Magi – Messenger from the Universe

‘Millionaires don’t use Astrology, Billionaires do.’ – J.P. Morgan Tycoon

Love isn’t a Mystery, Anymore

Whether you’re single or already in a relationship, …

DUY MAGI can always provide the top-notch advice to uplevel your love life!

If you’re still single, and seeking love, Click Here!

If you’re confused about any relationship, Click Here!

If you’ve found your soulmate, Click Here!

Love isn’t a Mystery, Anymore

Whether you’re single or already in a relationship, …

DUY MAGI can always provide the top-notch advice to uplevel your love life!

If you’re still single, and seeking love, Click Here!

If you’re confused about any relationship, Click Here!

If you’ve found your soulmate, Click Here!


I’ve been struggling to find a good company to work for more than 10 years. But, luckily, Duy Magi has guided me to work for this current company which suits me very well. The process to discover that perfect company is lengthy but worthy in the end after lots of synastry analyses.”

“My future trend forecast reading with Duy Magi was fantastic. His insight on my life trends was really spot-on. He was completely correct about what I had been dealing with for the past year. And his advice and warning about future have proven right after just 6 months.”

“Our lives have changed for the better since we performed the Magical Renewal Vow Ceremony on the day that Duy Magi picked. Both I and my wife got promoted to a higher position in the company. Plus, we have found many lucrative investment deals and earned more money.”

“I wish I had known Duy Magi since I was 20. His reading about my love lessons was totally accurate. He made me realize my toxic pattern in love. I understand why I always attracted only to bad guys. I’ve been patient to follow his guidance. And finally, I met my current soulmate.”

I’m amazed with your skills. Even without birth time, all you said about me and my partner were absolutely correct, not only about the personality of each of us, but also the dynamic in our relationship. I’ve referred Duy Magi to many friends, and they get great value too.”

“Never in my life has job seeking been that easy. All the key steps from application, interview and signing contract went so smoothly when I took action on the dates Duy Magi had picked. After 6 months, I got promoted to be manager. I cannot thank Duy Magi enough.”

“My precious little baby was born on the day that Duy Magi selected with Grandtrine of Sun Neptune Odin. My parenthood has gone so smooth and stable with much less stress than what my married friends have been dealing with. I highly recommend Duy Magi to everyone.”

“Although I was just a shy stranger back then, Duy Magi read my psyche like a book. It took my psychologists nearly 6 months to discover all my mental health troubles. But with just one reading session, Duy Magi pointed out nearly all of my issues. That’s just unbelievable.”

“I was completely blown away by the accuracy of my online reading session with Duy Magi. His astrology system is much more accurate than 12 Zodiac Astrology, Vedic Astrology or Chinese Astrology. I guess his accuracy comes from using many more planets than pop astrology.”

“Duy Magi has helped me pick a fabulous date to have breast augmentation surgery. The result is unbelievably fabulous. My recovery was so fast that even the surgeon seemed shocked. And my breast has looked so natural ever since. I have recommended Duy Magi to my friends.”

Keep Yourself Alerter

“I heard the angel whisper to me: “Look for the sight, he is the one!””

Timing is crucial in finding love. Cosmic energy controls when you can meet your soulmate or when you just bump into heartbreakers.

The Universe is your best ally in your quest searching for love.

DUY MAGI – the Messenger from the Universe – can show you when you’re highly likely to meet your True Love, through the timing of your 3 individual astrological cycles.

When others see you in your most favorable light, and you’re highly likely to meet your Soulmate.
When others view you in your most unfavorable light, and you’re bound to bump into Heartbreakers.
The tricky time when the people you come across are often mismatch. And later, you’re about to find yourself in conflicting situation within the relationship you have started during that special time.
Avoid Heartbreak and Nuclear cycles, plus take actions during maximum Cinderella is the key to meet your True Love.
In any life aspect, most of the time, nobody succeeds at their first try. Only patient people with never give up attitude can persevere and get what they want. Finding love is the same. You have to be patient and stick to proven rules until you succeed. During that waiting time, please self reflect and learn your Love Lessons. (See more below)
Besides timing, learn from your past mistakes through being aware of and fixing your toxic behavioral patterns is also important. Self-reflection or Consulting Duy Magi can help you master your love lessons. (Click here to see more about Love lessons)
Media, in general, and Hollywood, Bollywood, etc, in particular, often mislead our thinking about love. They paint love as something super sweet and romantic. However, that kind of love never exists in reality. Learning some basic Psychology will keep you grounded and know what to expect, as well as, what you should behave in a healthy way with your upcoming partner.

Keep Yourself Alerter

“I heard the angel whisper to me: “Look for the sight, he is the one!””

Timing is crucial in finding love. Cosmic energy controls when you can meet your soulmate or when you just bump into heartbreakers.

The Universe is your best ally in your quest searching for love.

DUY MAGI – the Messenger from the Universe – can show you when you’re highly likely to meet your True Love, through the timing of your 3 individual astrological cycles.

When others see you in your most favorable light, and you’re highly likely to meet your Soulmate.
When others view you in your most unfavorable light, and you’re bound to bump into Heartbreakers.
The tricky time when the people you come across are often mismatch. And later, you’re about to find yourself in conflicting situation within the relationship you have started during that special time.
Avoid Heartbreak and Nuclear cycles, plus take actions during maximum Cinderella is the key to meet your True Love.
In any life aspect, most of the time, nobody succeeds at their first try. Only patient people with never give up attitude can persevere and get what they want. Finding love is the same. You have to be patient and stick to proven rules until you succeed. During that waiting time, please self reflect and learn your Love Lessons. (See more below)
Besides timing, learn from your past mistakes through being aware of and fixing your toxic behavioral patterns is also important. Self-reflection or Consulting Duy Magi can help you master your love lessons. (Click here to see more about Love lessons)
Media, in general, and Hollywood, Bollywood, etc, in particular, often mislead our thinking about love. They paint love as something super sweet and romantic. However, that kind of love never exists in reality. Learning some basic Psychology will keep you grounded and know what to expect, as well as, what you should behave in a healthy way with your upcoming partner.

Make Your Choice Smarter

With just 2 birthdates, DUY MAGI can foretell the nature of any relationship with excellent accuracy.

Many tricky questions can be answered instantly.

  • Love or Lust?

  • Sexual Heat in Longterm?

  • Main Issues & Solutions?

  • Who Takes the Wheel in relationship?

  • Happy or Heartbreak?

  • Easy to End when not Feeling right?

  • Most likely Outcome?

Make Your Choice Smarter

With just 2 birthdates, DUY MAGI can foretell the nature of any relationship with excellent accuracy.

Many tricky questions can be answered instantly.

  • Love or Lust?

  • Sexual Heat in Longterm?

  • Main Issues & Solutions?

  • Who Takes the Wheel in relationship?

  • Happy or Heartbreak?

  • Easy to End when not Feeling right?

  • Most likely Outcome?

Anticipate Further

One factor to consider before making commitment is the Personality of the other person.

Some people are too toxic to get involved however compatible it may seem at first.

Knowing about their psyche beforehand can give you a clear vision about what to expect.

DUY MAGI can see through anyone’s Personality from their birth date.

  • What does your partner’s True Self look like?

  • His/ Her Want & Need?

  • Willing to Commit or not?

  • Can he/ she Resist outside Temptation?

  • Faithful & Affectionate?

  • Cheating & Aloof?

  • His/ Her Sexual Taste?

Anticipate Further

One factor to consider before making commitment is the Personality of the other person.

Some people are too toxic to get involved however compatible it may seem at first.

Knowing about their psyche beforehand can give you a clear vision about what to expect.

DUY MAGI can see through anyone’s Personality from their birth date.

  • What does your partner’s True Self look like?

  • His/ Her Want & Need?

  • Willing to Commit or not?

  • Can he/ she Resist outside Temptation?

  • Faithful & Affectionate?

  • Cheating & Aloof?

  • His/ Her Sexual Taste?

Grow Your Love Stronger

Timing key Milestones in relationship in astrologically best dates …

… will bring lots of happiness & fulfillment to the couple.

DUY MAGI can help you pick the following dates to uplevel your relationship.

Click each item below to see more details:

The day the pair first meet will influence the relationship, for better or worse, until the couple makes love for the first time.

Book an Online Reading now (Click here).

Book an Offline Reading now (Click here).

The day the couple first makes love has great impact on the quality of the relationship until they get married.

Book a Love Date now (Click here).

The first legally wedding date will substitute all previous dates, becoming the main astrological force that governs your marriage. That effect can only be broken if the couple does renewal vow ceremony or gets divorced.

The wedding date rules over what each person will experience after getting married. A magical wedding date also uplevels family’s earning power and tends to bring blessed children who are highly likely to make the couple happy.

In case, the couple hosts a wedding without legal permission, the date of that event won’t have any astrological influence on the couple. Therefore, gay or lesbian couples living in unrecognized same sex marriage have to get married in the countries that have already legalized same sex marriage if they want to reap the benefits of magical wedding date selection.

If the couple intends to hold multiple wedding ceremonies, the first event after successfully legal registration will be the effective date.

Book a Wedding Date now (Click here).

Renewal Vow date will replace the impact of original legal wedding date about 80 percents. Therefore, if the married couple really wants to uplevel their love life, doing a Renewal Vow ceremony is a must.

Book a Renewal Vow Date now (Click here).

The birthdates of your children definitely have a great impact on their personality. Well-chosen birth date will create an exceptionally talented child with easy life path ahead. Plus, the child rearing process will become much more pleasurable for the parents.

Book a Childbirth Date now (Click here).

If children are involved in separation, a good divorce date will make the relationships between you and your ex, as well as between each of you with each children become much smoother. A favorable divorce date will also mitigate the post-divorce drama.

Book a Custom Date for Divorce now (Click here).

Some other dates should be considered if the time permits.

1. Moving In Date:

The date the couple starts to live together under the same house will affect the experience of them when staying there. Anytime, they move to a new place, the moving in date is important.

Book a Custome Date for Moving in now (Click here).

2. First Metting Date with friends and family members (*):

The date one person introduces his/ her partner to other important people in his/ her life will have influence over their reception of your partner.

Book an Online Reading now to chose that date now.

Book an Offline Reading now to chose that date now.

3. IVF Date:

IVF is a long, painful, and also costly but potentially rewarding process for childless couple. The date when the zygote is inserted into the carrier’s body will increase the success rate of the procedure.

Book an IVF Date now (Click here).

4. Holiday Date:

The day the couple starts the holiday will impact the quality and perception of the whole trip.

Book a Custome Date for Holiday now (Click here).

Grow Your Love Stronger

Timing key Milestones in relationship in astrologically best dates …

… will bring lots of happiness & fulfillment to the couple.

DUY MAGI can help you pick the following dates to uplevel your relationship.

Click each item below to see more details:

The day the pair first meet will influence the relationship, for better or worse, until the couple makes love for the first time.

Book an Online Reading now (Click here).

Book an Offline Reading now (Click here).

The day the couple first makes love has great impact on the quality of the relationship until they get married.

Book a Love Date now (Click here).

The first legally wedding date will substitute all previous dates, becoming the main astrological force that governs your marriage. That effect can only be broken if the couple does renewal vow ceremony or gets divorced.

The wedding date rules over what each person will experience after getting married. A magical wedding date also uplevels family’s earning power and tends to bring blessed children who are highly likely to make the couple happy.

In case, the couple hosts a wedding without legal permission, the date of that event won’t have any astrological influence on the couple. Therefore, gay or lesbian couples living in unrecognized same sex marriage have to get married in the countries that have already legalized same sex marriage if they want to reap the benefits of magical wedding date selection.

If the couple intends to hold multiple wedding ceremonies, the first event after successfully legal registration will be the effective date.

Book a Wedding Date now (Click here).

Renewal Vow date will replace the impact of original legal wedding date about 80 percents. Therefore, if the married couple really wants to uplevel their love life, doing a Renewal Vow ceremony is a must.

Book a Renewal Vow Date now (Click here).

The birthdates of your children definitely have a great impact on their personality. Well-chosen birth date will create an exceptionally talented child with easy life path ahead. Plus, the child rearing process will become much more pleasurable for the parents.

Book a Childbirth Date now (Click here).

If children are involved in separation, a good divorce date will make the relationships between you and your ex, as well as between each of you with each children become much smoother. A favorable divorce date will also mitigate the post-divorce drama.

Book a Custom Date for Divorce now (Click here).

Some other dates should be considered if the time permits.

1. Moving In Date:

The date the couple starts to live together under the same house will affect the experience of them when staying there. Anytime, they move to a new place, the moving in date is important.

Book a Custome Date for Moving in now (Click here).

2. First Metting Date with friends and family members (*):

The date one person introduces his/ her partner to other important people in his/ her life will have influence over their reception of your partner.

Book an Online Reading now to chose that date now.

Book an Offline Reading now to chose that date now.

3. IVF Date:

IVF is a long, painful, and also costly but potentially rewarding process for childless couple. The date when the zygote is inserted into the carrier’s body will increase the success rate of the procedure.

Book an IVF Date now (Click here).

4. Holiday Date:

The day the couple starts the holiday will impact the quality and perception of the whole trip.

Book a Custome Date for Holiday now (Click here).

Magical Wedding/ Renewal Vow Date

50% marriage ends in heartbreak and divorce! – That’s the ugly truth.

Apart from individual efforts, the legal wedding date plays a crucial part in the success of the family.

More than 30 years of research has proven that fact.

Therefore, be sure to tie the knot in a Magical Wedding Date.

Married couple can also uplevel their happiness by doing renewal vow ceremony in a Magical Date.

A Magical Date chosen by DUY MAGI can bring following favors to your family.

  • Keep Love Alive

    Make each partner keep fall in love with each other and the family itself over and over again.

  • Boost Career Success

    Attract money, promotion and fame to each person’s career.

  • Create Blessed Children

    Bring healthy, easily raised and talented children, who will make parents proud to the family.

Magical Wedding/ Renewal Vow Date

50% marriage ends in heartbreak and divorce! – That’s the ugly truth.

Apart from individual efforts, the legal wedding date plays a crucial part in the success of the family.

More than 30 years of research has proven that fact.

Therefore, be sure to tie the knot in a Magical Wedding Date.

Married couple can also uplevel their happiness by doing renewal vow ceremony in a Magical Date.

A Magical Date chosen by Duy Magi can bring following favors to your family.

  • Keep Love Alive

    Make each partner keep fall in love with each other and the family itself over and over again.

  • Boost Career Success

    Attract money, promotion and fame to each person’s career.

  • Create Blessed Children

    Bring healthy, easily raised and talented children, who will make parents proud to the family.

Know Yourself Better

Human is born with 2 kinds of energy, and usually tends to act on instinct.

With favorable energy, following internal impulsive leads us to positive outcome.

Vice versa, unharmonized energy compels us to commit terrible actions.

In terms of love, not all of us were blessed to be born with only positive cosmic force.

That’s why many people blindly fall in love, only to self-sabotage their relationship later.

Being aware of your own toxic pattern is the first step to build a long-lasting love.

First love yourself, then you can love someone else.

DUY MAGI can point out your crucial love lessons you have to learn.

We humans all long for our wants and needs to be honored by our precious partner. However, not all of us have clear understanding of our deep-down desires. Being aware and honest with yourself about your inner yearning is the first step to pick a matching partner.
Relationship only works if you have a realistic vision about what a romantic couple should look like. Many people are craving for a super idealistic romance like a movie, which only set themselves up for disappointment later since it’s unattainable. Being practical doesn’t make you less romantic but only to facilitate your relationship stronger as the time goes by.
Many love addicts have unhealthy love attraction, only being infatuated by bad boys or bad girls, who is unstable, never want to commit, and break hearts at the end. That impulsive toxic attraction often shows up in your natal chart. Other vicious pattern can also be revealed through Attachment Style test (See Below).
Smooth communication plays a big role in any successful relationship. You have to fix yourself if you’re susceptible to confusing conversing style. Many people don’t realize that their unclear communication only pushes them away from each other.
Everyone wants to be in control to some degrees. And we all suffer from anger on a daily basis. The way we control and react to frustration has a big influence on the well-being of our romantic relationship. Unhealthy coping, one way or another, only suffocates the other.
More than 70 years of Psychology research has confirmed that childhood has exceptionally big impact on your love live in adulthood. Unideal upbringing definitely makes you susceptible to some insidious behavioral patterns when being in a relationship.
Duy Magi always encourage customers to take Attachment Style test to measure how mature they are in love.
They are can also be detected when Duy Magi digs deeper in clients’ natal chart.

Know Yourself Better

Human is born with 2 kinds of energy, and usually tends to act on instinct.

With favorable energy, following internal impulsive leads us to positive outcome.

Vice versa, unharmonized energy compels us to commit terrible actions.

In terms of love, not all of us were blessed to be born with only positive cosmic force.

That’s why many people blindly fall in love, only to self-sabotage their relationship later.

Being aware of your own toxic pattern is the first step to build a long-lasting love.

First love yourself, then you can love someone else.

DUY MAGI can point out your crucial love lessons you have to learn.

We humans all long for our wants and needs to be honored by our precious partner. However, not all of us have clear understanding of our deep-down desires. Being aware and honest with yourself about your inner yearning is the first step to pick a matching partner.

Relationship only works if you have a realistic vision about what a romantic couple should look like. Many people are craving for a super idealistic romance like a movie, which only set themselves up for disappointment later since it’s unattainable. Being practical doesn’t make you less romantic but only to facilitate your relationship stronger as the time goes by.

Many love addicts have unhealthy love attraction, only being infatuated by bad boys or bad girls, who is unstable, never want to commit, and break hearts at the end. That impulsive toxic attraction often shows up in your natal chart. Other vicious pattern can also be revealed through Attachment Style test (See Below).

Smooth communication plays a big role in any successful relationship. You have to fix yourself if you’re susceptible to confusing conversing style. Many people don’t realize that their unclear communication only pushes them away from each other.

Everyone wants to be in control to some degrees. And we all suffer from anger on a daily basis. The way we control and react to frustration has a big influence on the well-being of our romantic relationship. Unhealthy coping, one way or another, only suffocates the other.

More than 70 years of Psychology research has confirmed that childhood has exceptionally big impact on your love live in adulthood. Unideal upbringing definitely makes you susceptible to some insidious behavioral patterns when being in a relationship.

DUY MAGI always encourage customers to take Attachment Style test to measure how mature they are in love.

They are can also be detected when DUY MAGI digs deeper in clients’ natal chart.