Planets & Asteroids in Astrology
The 12 Zodiac astrology system focuses on studying the influence of astrological phenomena occurring in each Zodiac sign. There are two types of astrological phenomena.
And the first phenomena involves observable celestial bodies of the solar system, such as the Moon, the Sun, planets like Mercury and Venus, asteroids like Chiron and Vesta, and dwarf planets like Pluto and Haumea. They are real things we can photograph and observe in the sky.
The positions of these planets and asteroids within a specific Zodiac sign are the top concern for learners of the 12 Zodiac Astrology System. For instance, we might be curious about the differences between someone with Venus in Sagittarius compared to someone with Venus in Capricorn.
But among all celestial bodies, astrologers of the 12 Zodiac System primarily focus on the positions of the Sun and the Moon. They are referred to as the Sun Sign and Moon Sign in the birth chart.
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Astrology Guide: Read Your Birth Chart in 15 Minutes for Beginners
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