Law of Cause and Effect

Many people fear Mercury Retrograde primarily due to online warnings. And it’s true that there are sometimes troubles during this period. However, two phenomena happening simultaneously doesn’t necessarily mean they are causally related. They could both be influenced by a third factor or simply occur together by chance. This is the key point – let’s consider two examples:

Example 1: During summer, the demand for sunscreen and sunblock increases. However, these two events don’t directly impact each other. The scorching summer heat is the common factor driving up both demands.

Example 2: Every morning, you go to school while your neighbor goes to the market. But these are two random events happening at the same time. So, your going to school doesn’t cause your neighbor to go to the market, and vice versa.

Similarly, Mercury Retrograde and the challenges you face may not necessarily have a causal relationship. And this is something you need to be consciously aware of.

However, I understand that many people have a superstitious mindset and may advise you not to do anything important during such sensitive times. Otherwise, they warn that disasters may be unavoidable. Now, let’s present some additional evidence.

This is a part of the article:

Mercury Retrograde – The Biggest Lie in the History of Astrology

To read the entire article, please click on the image below.


If you don’t want to read, please watch the video version below:

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