Two Astrological Factors Influencing Misfortune

Now, what about the troubles you face during Mercury Retrograde? Is it really caused by it?

In reality, problems are part of life. If you want to be objective, compare the amount of trouble you face during Mercury Retrograde with the time when it’s not in retrograde motion.

But many of us tend to blind fear. This is an opening for the media and scammers to take advantage.

I’ve conducted statistics and found that my personal trouble during Mercury Retrograde is not higher than when it’s not happening.

Moreover, I’ve identified two factors directly affecting life’s challenges.

First, personal astrological cycles have the most significant impact. For example, during Heartbreak Cycle, you’re more likely to face challenges. However, personal astrological cycles vary for each person.

Second, misfortune often occurs on bad universal astrological days. And I post this calendar on my website. But this factor doesn’t influence as much as the first one.

As a result, problems arise on days when both your personal astrological cycles and universal astrological days are unfavorable. As for Mercury Retrograde, it may cause some troubles, but it’s certainly not as dangerous as the long-standing rumors and accusations suggest.


This is a part of the article:

Mercury Retrograde – The Biggest Lie in the History of Astrology

To read the entire article, please click on the image below.


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Mercury Retrograde - The Biggest LIE in the History of Astrology

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