A Genuine Astrologer focuses on providing analyses in detail

They provide detailed evaluations, breaking down the strengths and weaknesses of a birth chart or a relationship chart or an event chart in a clear and specific manner.

For example, when examining the Synastry chart of a couple to assess compatibility, a true astrologer will delve into various aspects such as harmony in emotional connection, sexual compatibility, and the level of trust between the individuals.

On the contrary, fake astrologers offer vague, generalized analyses. They may attempt to shift the conversation or ask questions to divert the client’s attention, ultimately avoiding the responsibility of providing useful advice.

Therefore, if you receive advice that seems incorrect, unclear, or too vague, I’m sorry to say, but that’s not coming from a genuine astrologer.


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Astrology Check: 7 Keys to Verify a Legit Astrologer during Session

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