Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi – an Multiverse Astrology Practitioner. Today, let’s talk about how you can avoid a FAKE Astrologer when you want to register for an Astrology course or consultation.

Today, astrology is super popular.

And lots of people are into it to learn about themselves and figure out what’s coming up in their future.

But because so many folks are interested, there are some fake astrologers out there.

And they don’t really know what they’re talking about, but they’re offering astrology advice anyway.

And if you end up using their services, you’re basically wasting your money.

So, you gotta be smart to spot a fake astrologer. And one big sign of a fake one is that they like to scare people about retrograde planets, especially Mercury retrograde.

If you don’t want to read, please watch the video version below:



Mercury Retrograde – The Biggest Lie in Astrology History

I made a detailed post about this topic.

If you want to know all about the history of this blatant lie, check out the link below.

Article Link: Mercury Retrograde – The Biggest Lie in the History of Astrology

If you don’t want to read, please watch the video version below:


But today, I’ll sum it up quickly:

Any astrologers who say retrograde planets are all bad haven’t really taken the time to check things out.

They just like to follow trends and spread fear. Specifically, they’re spreading two big wrong ideas:

First, being born with retrograde planets causes lots of problems in life.

Second, starting important projects during Mercury retrograde leads to a mess.

But I’ve personally taken the time to check out these ideas in real life. And I can say for sure that they’re totally wrong. So, let me give you some evidence.


Successful Companies Incorporated during Mercury Retrograde

Do you know that 8 out of the top 30 most powerful companies in the USA were founded during Mercury retrograde?

And the value of these 30 companies makes up the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is a big deal in the stock market that investors check every day.

These 8 companies include:

  1. Johnson & Johnson: founded on November 10th 1887
  2. Procter & Gamble: founded on May 5th 1905
  3. Pfizer: founded on Jun 2nd 1942
  4. Cisco Systems: founded on December 10th 1984
  5. Boeing: founded on July 19th 1934
  6. McDonald’s: founded on December 21st 1964
  7. United Technologies: founded on July 12th 1934
  8. Caterpillar: founded on Mar 12th 1986

On average, Mercury in Retrograde motion happens about 20%.

But nearly a third of these top companies were founded during Mercury retrograde.

So, does it seem reasonable to think that Mercury retrograde is bad?


Successful Products Launched during Mercury Retrograde

Not only that, but many wildly successful products, particularly in the fields ruled by Mercury such as communication and vehicle, were launched during Mercury retrograde. Here are three examples:

  1. iPhone and Apple iOS operating system: launched on June 29th 2007
  2. Microsoft Windows operating system: launched on November 20th 1985
  3. Ford Mustang supercar: launched on April 17th 1964


Successful People Born during Mercury Retrograde

Also, lots of super successful people were born during Mercury retrograde, especially in the field ruled by Mercury such as singing.

Some examples include Madonna, Michael Jackson, Adam Levine, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, and others.

So, does it make sense to think Mercury retrograde is bad?


Friendly Advice to Avoid a Fake Astrologer

In conclusion, retrograde planets in general, and Mercury retrograde in particular, aren’t as negative as people think.

Only those who like to follow trends and don’t bother checking things out in real life have these mistaken thoughts.

So, if you want to avoid a fake astrologer and have a quality astrology consultation, stay away from those who like to scare and badmouth retrograde planets.


Free Learning Astrology Group

Follow my channel and join the Multiverse Astrology Facebook Group if you want to understand the language of the universe.

If you have questions, feel free to comment. I’ll respond when I have time. If you want to schedule an astrology consultation, click the link below.

If you want to get your 6 birth charts for free, please visit Free Online Birth Chart Drawing Tool at: https://en.astropro.vn/

Now, goodbye.

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