Hello everyone, I’m Duy Magi – an Multiverse Astrology Practitioner. Today, let’s talk about how you can find a REAL Astrologer when you want to register for an Astrology course or consultation.

These days, astrology is super popular. And lots of people are into it to explore themselves and get a sense of what’s ahead.

But because more folks are interested, lots of FAKE astrologers with low skills are sneaking into the market, offering astrology readings.

And if you happen to use their services, you’re basically throwing your money away.

So, you gotta be smart to spot a REAL astrologer, the one with REAL passion and insight who can give you accurate advice worth your money.

And one of the clearest signs of a REAL astrologer is their ability to write in-depth analyses about astrology.

If you don’t want to read, please watch the video version below:


Only a Real Astrologer can Write In-Depth Analyses

So why can only a REAL astrologer write these deep analyses?

First off, only the REAL Astrologers have deep knowledge.

If you don’t have a strong understanding, you can’t make convincing arguments or provide solid evidence to persuade readers.

Second, the REAL astrologers actually take the time to study astrology scientifically.

Here’s how scientific research on Astrology looks like:


Step 1: They observe some cases to form initial hypotheses.

For example, if Planet A is strong in the birth chart of five cheaters, they might think, “Hey, maybe A indicates cheating.” That’s a hypothesis.

Step 2: They test the hypothesis on a large scale with collected data.

They check if Planet A is strong in the birth charts of many cheaters to see if their hypothesis holds up.

And they stay unbiased in their analysis, using only the data they’ve collected without twisting it to fit their initial guess.

Step 3: If the accuracy rate is high, like over 70%, they accept their initial hypothesis as accurate.


So, only those who truly spend time experimenting understand the nature and workings of astrology in practice. And that’s the foundation for writing those deep analyses.

Plus, REAL astrologers are confident in their knowledge and can answer any questions from readers.


Fake Astrologers can only Write General Stuff

On the other hand, FAKE astrologers can’t write these deep analyses. Instead, to cover up their lack of knowledge, they often do these three things:


First, they only post vague or general articles—stuff that’s all over the internet.

Like, “Capricorn Moon has characteristics of…” or “Taurus Rising means…”

These articles don’t prove their expertise.


Second, they borrow in-depth articles from other sources.

And some are even unethical enough not to give credit when they do.

So, that’s just sneaky.


Third, they like to make up meanings for planets and asteroids based on mythology.

Like, many astrologers say the asteroid Chiron represents a wounded healer that because, in mythology, Chiron couldn’t heal himself even though he was great at healing others.

So, this approach isn’t very scientific.

Friendly Advice to Find a Real Astrologer

In summary, if you’re thinking about studying or getting advice from an astrologer, choose ones with lots of deep analysis articles.

And that’s the clearest sign of a REAL astrologer with solid expertise.

So, when you work with them, you’ll get REAL value for your money.


Free Learning Astrology Group

Follow my channel and join the Multiverse Astrology Facebook Group if you want to understand the language of the universe.

If you have questions, feel free to comment. I’ll respond when I have time. If you want to schedule an astrology consultation, click the link below.

If you want to get your 6 birth charts for free, please visit Free Online Birth Chart Drawing Tool at: https://en.astropro.vn/

Now, goodbye.

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