A Genuine Astrologer doesn’t pressure clients to buy additional stuffs 

In other words, they don’t resort to intimidation to manipulate your emotions and sell additional products or services. They will never threaten you with a bleak future to coerce you into buying extra items.

However, fake astrologers often paint a very negative picture of the future and try to force you into purchasing additional products or services. Examples include charms, lucky bracelets, or self claimed magical decorative items to attract success and happiness. They may even resort to intimidation, suggesting that if you don’t comply with their advice, you’ll face inevitable misfortune.

Therefore, true astrologers focus on providing objective evaluations and analyses, offering recommendations without pressuring you to buy additional products or services.


This is a part of the article:

Astrology Check: 7 Keys to Verify a Legit Astrologer during Session

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