Multiverse Astrology can function accurately without birth time

Multiverse Astrology always considers birth hours when data is available.

However, it can still function without them.

This is a significant advancement compared to other disciplines like traditional Chinese or Western Astrology, which heavily rely on precise birth hours.


Unraveling the Intriguing Patterns of Birth Dates and Personalities

To be more specific, individuals born on the same day often share many key similarities in their personalities.

For example, both the snooker player Paul Hunter and the singer Usher were born on October 14th 1978, and both were involved in relationship cheating scandals.

The solar system has many planets and asteroids that move relatively slowly, so their positions don’t change drastically in a day.

While some celestial bodies move quickly, like the Moon, they are few compared to the slower ones.

So, people born on the same day share many common critical personality traits, with slight differences.


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If you want to get your 6 birth charts for free, please visit Free Online Birth Chart Drawing Tool at:

Now, goodbye.

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