The name Audrey Hale makes a lot of people scared, and this girl shot and killed six people in the U.S. But can we predict who has the potential for violence? So today, we’ll use Multiverse Astrology to answer this question with the introduction of a new dwarf planet called Praamzius.

Traditional astrology divides people into 12 zodiac signs and tries to generalize the characteristics of each sign. But not everyone in the Aries sign, like Audrey Hale, is violent.

So, violence will not be related to zodiac signs.


Analysis of Praamzius in Audrey Hale’s Birth Chart

In Audrey Hale’s Geocentric Natal Chart, representing her inner self, there’s a 5 planet geometry of:

Mars + Sedna + Eros + Jupiter + Praamzius. 

And the special thing is that Mars, Sedna, and Eros form a very negative T-square.

Specifically, Mars represents anger, frustration. Eros brings impulsive actions. And Sedna brings fierce determination not easily giving up.

But Jupiter here will bring the ability to balance things out.

So, at first glance, this combo doesn’t look too bad.

But the key to violent behavior here is Praamzius whose symbolism was discovered by me and my student. And Praamzius tends to awaken the inner demons, possess, and leadsto wrongful actions.

So, the initial energy combo of these 5 planets shows:

Audrey Hale has an inner desire for violence (Mars) which can appear suddenly (Eros). And often, she can balance and control them (Jupiter). 

But when emotions get out of control too much, the inner demon will awaken (Praamzius), causing Audrey Hale to burst into violent actions (Eros + Mars) and not easily give up (Sedna).

But there are still other interesting things in the Natal Chart of this young girl. And they have already been covered in my previous blogs. So if you’re curious, please watch them.

Note: This birth chart above is drawn by the Free Online Astrology Birth Chart Drawing Tool at:


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